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Safeguarding Resources

Oak Hill First School believes that it is always unacceptable for a child to experience abuse of any kind. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children.

We will provide staff and volunteers with guidance to follow when they suspect a child may be experiencing abuse or at risk of harm. We will work co-operatively with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first – unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead for child protection is Mrs Harris
The Deputy Designated Persons for child protection are Miss Kelly, Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Winterbourn
The Governor with responsibility for child protection is Mrs Ravencroft

We will review our policy and procedures on an annual basis. Our policy can be found in Policies section of the website.


Whilst this day focuses attention on anti—bullying, at Oak Hill we spend time throughout the year developing children’s understanding of appropriate behaviour.


Audio Testing

In Reception children will be offered a hearing test which will be conducted at school.  Without routine hearing tests, there's a chance that a hearing problem could go undiagnosed for many months or even years.  It's important to identify hearing problems as early as possible because they can affect your child's speech and language development, social skills and education. 

Treatment is more effective if any problems are detected and managed accordingly early on. An early diagnosis will also help ensure you and your child have access to any special support services you may need.


Year 4 children are invited to take part in Level 1 Bikeability training led by Worcestershire County Council experts.  This is the new cycle training for the 21st century, designed to give children the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today's roads. The level 1 training is completed in a traffic free environment on the school playground, where the children will learn how to look after their bike to ensure it is safe to ride, as well as how to stay safe when riding their bike on the road. 

We also run small group Bikeability sessions with our youngest children in Nursery Reception and Year 1 on our balance bikes.


Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a web base service which help communication between home/school especially for working parents who maybe don’t drop off/pick up. Staff add photos and updates about what the childnre have been doing in class. It is also used to share news and information with parents.

There are regular safeguarding updates e.g online safetyy posts, mental health ideas and suggestions. 


This is a basic examination of your child’s teeth with a mirror and a torch by a qualified dentist within the school setting.  The purpose of dental screening is to identify whether children can benefit from dental treatment, and to identify if there are any problems which may need a closer look in the dental surgery. If this is the case, you will receive a letter after the screening advising you to contact your child’s general dental practitioner. 

In addition the letter will provide information on accessing an NHS dentist in your area, if your child doesn’t already visit a dentist regularly



All staff encourage children to drink water regularly. Water bottles are available in the classrooms so children can access them independently.


Fire Drills

We hold regular termly unannounced fire drills to ensure the children know how to respond in the event of an actual fire.


All children from Reception through to Year 4 are offered the vaccination during school.

The Vaccine is given as a single spray squirted up each nostril.  Not only is it needle-free a big advantage for children, the nasal spray is quick, painless and works even better than the injected flu vaccine.  The vaccine is absorbed very quickly.  It’ll still work even if, after the vaccination, your child develops a runny nose, sneezes or blows their nose.


The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the height and weight of children in Reception to assess overweight and obesity levels in children with primary schools.


iPad Safety

Children are only allowed to use our iPad with adult supervision. We also ensure they use the child- specific KidRex as their search engine. We teach children about staying safe on the internet and always telling an adult if they see something that upsets them. 


Every year the NSPCC lead assemblies for our Years 1-4 children which aim to equip them with the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse and neglect. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a trusted adult or Childline.


Opticians Test

All children in Reception are offered a free eye examination at school.    This is called vision screening and it checks for reduced vision in one or both eyes.  The aim is to detect and problems early so that treatment can be given if needed.


Online Safety Test for Children

Our Online safety Ambassadors have developed a presentation which they share with parents before each year group performance. They work together with Mrs Wilkes to decide on the content they want to share with their parents.


Online Safety Day

Whilst this day focuses attention on online safety, at Oak Hill we spend time throughout the year developing children’s understanding of how to keep themselves safe in the ever increasingly technology driven world.


We enjoy close links with our local Police especially our PCSOs who visit school regularly. They visit classes to talk about safety and the role the Police have in ensuring everyone is safe.


In preparation for moving on to Middle School and becoming more independent on the journey to and from school, our Year 4 children all take part in Pedestrian Training, led by a Worcestershire County Council trainer.  All children learn how to cross the road safely and how to look out for potential dangers as a pedestrian.

After a group training session, the children all complete an 'unescorted walk' where they independently walk a set route in the local area, with adults supervising them to ensure they cross the road safely. 


School Nurse Appointments

We can contact the school nurse to request appointments with our school nurse for parents to share worries/concerns e.g. bed wetting, sleep issues, fussy eaters, bedtime routines etc.


Trip and Visiting Training

All teaching staff are trained to be Educational Visit Leaders. Miss Newman is the Educational Visits co-ordinator who support all staff with the planning of trips.


Use of Staff and Visitor Badges

Children are taught to recognise people wearing Oak Hill lanyard and ID badges as people who can help them. All visitors are issued with a visitor lanyard and ID badge. Staff will challenge anyone without their lanyard/ID badge on display.


Water Safety

We take all Year 3 children swimming and within these sessions water safety is paramount. Our Year 2 children also have a visit from the RNLI to share water safety messages.

Contact Us

Oak Hill First School,
Wirehill Drive,
Lodge Park,
B98 7JU

01527 528 523